How To Get Traffic to Your Website Without Social Media


How To Get Traffic to Your Website Without Social Media
How To Get Traffic to Your Website Without Social Media

How To Get Traffic to Your Website Without Social Media

Social media is not the only way to get traffic to your website.

In fact, there are many ways to get traffic without using social media. My portfolio of websites gets over 100,000 page views per month, which social media really boosts.

This article shares my top five tips for getting traffic to your website without using social media.

Why not just advertise your website?
Before we dive into these tasty strategies, let's take a step back and remember why we did it in the first place.

The goal is to get people to our website so we can solve their problems, see our ads, and buy our product or service, right? So why not put a lot of money into advertising?

It turns out that there are many reasons.

Ads can be expensive and don't always reach the right audience. People also fall victim to these types of ads and ignore them completely.

In addition, it is not sustainable.

You must still pay for traffic months later. There are much better ways.

5 ways to get traffic to your website without social media
There are at least five good ways to get traffic to your website without posting on social media hundreds of times a day.

Here are five strategies that work best for me.

1) Become a guerrilla blogger.

As a small business, you can't afford to waste your hard-earned time and money on marketing strategies that don't work. You must be spoiled and go wild.

what does that mean?

Basically, you need to find the areas where your opponents are weak and strike.

Let's say you are in the field of search engine optimization. Your competition is a big company with a great website and an army of writers producing the content. They go after the big words and do it well.

But what they lack is a long tail.

They don't target the smaller, more specific keywords that people are already searching for online. Here you can hit.

By focusing on these small keywords, you can increase traffic to your website without spending a lot of money. You can use your size to your advantage. You can quickly and easily outsmart your much larger opponents and attack when they least expect it.

You can find long-tail keywords by searching for keywords of four or more words.

for example:

  1. Why are gas prices so high?
  2. Why are you interested in this position?
  3. Why are flights to Phoenix so expensive?
  4. Why are companies located in Delaware?
  5. Why are ninjas better than pirates?

You know, important important questions.

I've seen these "guerrilla" tactics effectively drive traffic to my websites.

Researching small keywords that others might miss can quickly give you an edge over your competitors. And by being smart and clever, you can avoid direct competition with larger or more established websites.

2) Stealing from sharks

Dubbed Steal from the Shark, this is a great way to come up with blog topics that drive traffic and conversions, and it's one of my favorite methods.

It's not really a theft in and of itself.

It's like "swimming with sharks". Since small fish swim close to sharks to protect themselves from predators and eat dead shark skin, bloggers can invite large websites to replace them.

This is how it works:

First, find your biggest competitor in your industry. They are sharks. If you don't know your "sharks", just start to google questions about your site. Your biggest competitors will dominate the search results.
Then use a keyword tool like Ahreds, ShineRanker, or Semrush to see what topics those sharks are talking about. These are the addresses you want to "steal".
Branch out and write about subtopics related to these big money topics. For example, if you're in the mortgage business and you look at your Shark ratings for the term "mortgage rates," you might find an article titled "5 Ways to Get the Best Mortgage Rates in Vermont." After, after. regarding
Before writing an article, check the search volume and competition for each topic.
With this method, you can ensure that you are writing about topics that people are actually searching for online. And when you combine this great content, you are well on your way to driving targeted traffic to your website.

3) I love Google.

Google love may sound like a crazy concept, but it is actually very important if you want your website to rank well in the search results.

After all, Google is the largest and most popular search engine, so it makes sense to optimize your site for its algorithm. Although there is no guarantee that you will get resultsTuffing keywords into your content isn't enough — you need to provide value if you want to rank well.

In addition, your content needs to be optimized for on-page SEO.

This means using the right keywords and phrases, as well as incorporating other elements like title tags, images, and subheadings. By taking the time to optimize your site for Google, you'll be much more likely to achieve success in the SERPS.

If you're serious about ranking high in Google, remember to make love to them with high-quality, relevant content.

It's one of the best ways to improve your chances of success.

4) Join An MLM

The "join an MLM" tactic is a great way to build silos of authority.

Before you start getting visions of pyramid schemes and sleazy sales tactics, let me stress that I'm not suggesting that you actually join an MLM. Don't do that.

However, there is a lot to be said for the way these companies are structured, and if you can replicate that structure in an ethical and honest way, you'll be well on your way to building a successful blogging business.

When it comes to content, there are different ways to organize it.

Silos of authority, also known as topical authority, is one method. This approach involves grouping content together by topic or theme.

For example, on a beauty blog, there might be a content silo devoted to nail care. Within that silo, there would be articles and posts about topics like choosing the best toenail clippers, how to avoid ingrown nails, and at-home pedicure tips.

By keeping similar content together, readers can more easily find the information they want.

And since the topics are related, the author can establish themselves as an expert on that particular subject. This boosts your website (or domain) authority, which impacts your Google rankings.

5) Start a virus

In order for content to go viral, it must be shareable.

That means that it must be interesting, useful, or otherwise valuable to the reader. It also needs to be easy to share, either by being highly shareable on social media or by being easy to email or link to on other platforms.

The best way to create viral content is to focus on creating something that is truly valuable to the reader.

Here are some other characteristics of viral content:

  • Newsworthy
  • Hard to repeat (by competitors)
  • Includes stats & charts
  • Includes original research
  • Funny or cute
  • Offers free tools or resources
By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your content going viral.


Here is a summary of takeaways about how to get traffic without social media:

  • Be a small and scrappy guerrilla blogger
  • Swim with sharks, feeding off their money topics
  • Woo higher Google Rankings with hyper-relevant content
  • Apply an MLM pyramid structure to build unbeatable content silos of authority
  • Publish shareable content that others share on social media. That's a win-win.
  • Final Thoughts
  • When I publish new content on my websites or other online platforms, I almost never promote them on social media.

If and when I do use social media, it is more about cross-promoting my YouTube channel or sending social signals to Google to index my posts.

I wouldn't spend too much time on social media.

Instead, grind away at keyword research and publish truly helpful pieces of evergreen content.

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